Landlords – Are you covered?
With the rise in property being rented out, the thought of not having appropriate cover can be a worry that is something we could all do without.
we will do it together
At Needham Insurance, we pride ourselves in providing you with the best and more cost effective cover you need. We have access to many policies and compare so that you do not have to. Our comprehensive knowledge in all insurance fields means that we will be able to help you every step of the way.
Credit insurance covers you in the event of a unpaid invoice for products and services that you have provided..
This insurance works with you today, to ensure that you can grow and feel fully protected
Having reliable and accurate customer financial information, reduces the likelihood of bad debt and the time spent dealing with it. It also gives you the peace of mind to engage with new customers.
Credit insurance also allows you to stabilise your cash flow, protect your balance sheet against bad debts, expand sales, boost your borrowing power and confidently expand your business.
Simon Mainwaring
Credit insurance allows you to stabilise your cash flow, protect your balance sheet against bad debts, expand sales, boost your borrowing power and confidently expand your business.
Click on the link below and complete the enquiry form today
No matter the size or sector of your business, a customer failing to pay for goods or services may have a huge impact on cash flow and profits.
Credit insurance helps you manage your company’s trade risks efficiently allowing you to trade with confidence.
There are many benefits, these include:
Protect short-term cash flow
Early warning for potential default
Flexible for different sizes of business
Adaptable for different industries
Offering confidence to trade and grow
Safety-net against unforeseen losses
Reduce exposure to non-payment risk
Improve access to trade finance
Credit insurance is a type of insurance policy purchased by a borrower that pays off one or more existing debts in the event of a death, disability, or in rare cases, unemployment.
Transferring risk away from the business and over to an insurer, credit insurance protects the policyholder in the event of a customer becoming insolvent or failing to pay its trade credit debts. Not only this, but insurers can actually help to reduce the risk of financial loss through credit management support.
Credit insurance covers your loan or credit card payments in the event you become unable to pay due to a financial shock like unemployment, disability or death.
With the rise in property being rented out, the thought of not having appropriate cover can be a worry that is something we could all do without.
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